Humidity refers to the amount of water vapour in the air. The ‘humidity’ we hear referred to most commonly in relation to weather, is referring to relative humidity.
Relative humidity is expressed as a percentage relative to the maximum and depends on both temperature and pressure. Weather forecasters will often use this to determine the likelihood of rain. A rise in relative humidity in summer can increase the temperature we feel by slowing down how fast our perspiration evaporates from our skin. It is the same case with moisture contained in curtains, carpets and furnishings.
It is recommended that you keep your home below 60% relative humidity. Mould requires a relative humidity level of 65% - 70% grow.
A dehumidifier's ability to remove moisture is dependent firstly on the amount of moisture in the air. If dehumidification has reduced the humidity to a low level, less moisture can be removed from the air. It is also more difficult to remove moisture from cold air than warm air.
Mitsubishi Electric Oasis dehumidifiers are fitted with a hot gas defrost system which allows them to continue removing moisture even when the room temperature drops as low as 1°C. This is the lowest operation range on the New Zealand market.
The unit can be left running unattended. It will switch off automatically when the tank gets full or the required humidity is reached. If you are looking to leave your dehumidifier on for a long period of time, all our dehumidifiers offer a permanent drainage option. This allows you to bypass the drainage tank, using a hose to remove the water collected.
During operation the compressor in the unit will turn on and off. This will be signalled by an increase in volume.
When the room temperature falls below 15°C, your dehumidifier may go into defrost mode. Defrost mode will occur approximately every half an hour, and will last for a few minutes. During defrost mode the fan will stop but the compressor will keep going.
Please do not drink this water as dust and other impurities can collect in the tank. If you are looking to recycle this water, it can be used in your wastewater tank or for watering houseplants.
It is important to remember that all dehumidifiers make some noise due to the operation of the compressor and fans. Mitsubishi Electric Oasis dehumidifiers are in fact the quietest products available in NZ. However, they do still make a noise. Noise levels are dependent on many factors. Place the unit on a firm, level surface. A unit placed on a wooden floor will make more noise than a unit on carpet.
Damage during transportation in our experience is the most common reason for excessive noise - it is important that your dehumidifier be handled carefully during transportation and should always be transported upright. If you think there is an issue with your dehumidifier, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Support team.