Designed in Japan for New Zealand conditions, the Lossnay Fresh Air Ventilation system works by extracting stale air from inside your house to remove damp, odours, dust, bacteria and gasses. This air is then replaced with allergen reduced fresh air from outside (unlike some systems that recycle it from the dust-filled attic). Where Lossnay gets really clever is with its environmentally friendly 'Energy Recovery' system. Put simply, energy within the stale air can be recovered and used to pre-heat or pre-cool the fresh air being vented in. So it warms the fresh air in winter, and cools it in summer.
This unique system recovers heat energy present in the stale extracted air, the Lossnay core uses this energy to pre-heat fresh air as it is transferred inside. This also works in the reverse, if the outside temperature is higher than preferred levels, the inside air will be cooled by extracted air. The process is as follows.